If you work on classical German philosophy, are affiliated with an institution in the Berlin metropolitan area, and want to be listed here, please send a short description analogous to those below to hu@cgp-berlin.de.

Andreas Arndt

HU Berlin

is retired Professor of Philosophy at the Theological Faculty of Humboldt-Universität and currently Research Professor at the Georgian Technical University. He works on Hegel, Early Romanticism, Schleiermacher, Young Hegelians, Marx and Marxism, Hermeneutics and Dialectics. Last book publications: Die Reformation der Revolution. Friedrich Schleiermacher in seiner Zeit (The Reformation of Revolution. Friedrich Schleiermacher in his Time; 2019); Freiheit (Freedom; 2019); Schleiermachers Philosophie (Schleiermacher’s Philosophy; 2021).
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Georg Bertram

FU Berlin

is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy (with specializations in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language) at Freie Universität Berlin. He works on theoretical philosophy and aesthetics in Post-Kantian Philosophy, esp. Hegel, and on theoretical philosophy and aesthetics in different traditions of contemporary philosophy. He is author of Art as Human Practice. An Aesthetics (2019, German edition: 2014) and of Hegels „Phänomenologie des Geistes. Ein systematischer Kommentar (2017).
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Giacomo Croci

Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg

is Postdoc Researcher at Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg. He works on post-Kantian philosophy of mind, and philosophy and history of psychiatry. He discussed his PhD thesis The Constitution of Subjectivity as Historicity. Following F. Schelling’s System of Transcendental Idealism and M. Heidegger’s Being and Time at FU Berlin.
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Dina Emundts

FU Berlin

is Professor of History of Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin. She works on Kant and German Idealism. Her interests include early modern philosophy (Leibniz, Descartes, Vico) as well as 19th century philosophy and Phenomenology. She is author of Kants Opus postumum (2004) and Erfahren und Erkennen. Hegels Begriff der Wirklichkeit (2022).
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Moran Godess-Riccitelli

Uni Potsdam

is an independent research fellow at the Institut für Philosophie, Universität Potsdam and a postdoctoral fellow at the department of philosophy, Bar-Ilan University. She works on Kant’s aesthetics, practical philosophy, and moral theology (esp. in the Kritik der Urteilskraft). Her main interest in philosophy is the confluence between aesthetics and morality in Kant and German Idealism and its manifestation both in theoretical inquiry and practical attitudes. Currently she works on Kant’s ‘philosophy of culture’ and aesthetic communicability. She has published numerous articles on aesthetics, morality, and theology in Kant.
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Stefanie Grüne

FU Berlin

is wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin at Free University of Berlin. She works on Kant’s theoretical philosophy and on philosophy of perception. She is author of Blinde Anschauung. Die Rolle von Begriffen in Kants Theorie sinnlicher Synthesis (2009).
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Johannes Haag

Uni Potsdam

is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at University of Potsdam. He works on Kant and German Idealism (Fichte, Hölderlin, Goethe) as well as contemporary theories of intentionality. He is the author of Erfahrung und Gegenstand. Das Verhältnis von Sinnlichkeit und Verstand (2007).
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Jakob Huber

FU Berlin

is Principal Investigator of the Junior Research Group „Democratic Hope“ at Freie Universität Berlin. He works on Kant’s practical philosophy and its relation to contemporary political philosophy. He is author of Kant’s Grounded Cosmopolitanism – Original Common Possession and the Right to Visit (OUP 2022).
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Philipp Höfele

FU Berlin

is Teaching and Research Assistant (“Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter”) at Freie Universität Berlin within the framework of the PRIME program, initiated by the DAAD. He works on German Idealism, the philosophies of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as ethics of nature and technology in the context of the “Anthropocene” debate. He is author of Wollen und Lassen. Zur Ausdifferenzierung, Kritik und Rezeption des Willensparadigmas in der Philosophie Schellings (2019).
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Rahel Jaeggi

HU Berlin

is Professor for Social and Political Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität as well as the Director of the Centre for Social Critique at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She works with (although not necessarily on) Hegel and defends a Hegelian-pragmatist account within Critical Theory. She is the author of Critique of Forms of Life (English 2018, German 2014), Alienation (English 2014, German 2005), Welt und Person (1997) and has co-authored Capitalism, A Conversation in Critical Theory with Nancy Fraser (English 2018, German 2020).
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Anton Kabeshkin

Uni Potsdam

is assistant professor at the Chair of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Potsdam. He works mainly on classical German philosophy as well as on early modern philosophy and philosophy of science. He has defended a dissertation on Hegel’s philosophy of nature as an anti-reductionist project and further developed this and related themes in a series of subsequent articles.
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Marialena Karampatsou

HU Berlin

is a Berlin-based Postdoc. Thus far, her work has focused on Kant’s transcendental idealism and the early, pre-Fichtean criticism thereof. She is the author of Der Streit um das Ding an sich: Systematische Analysen zur Rezeption des kantischen Idealismus 1781–1794 (2022).
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Holden Kelm


is a Postdoc researcher at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. He is currently working on a DFG project on Friedrich Schleiermacher’s lectures on aesthetics in the context of Kant, Solger, and Hegel. His research interests also include the reception of Hegel’s Phenomenology in 20th century France, and Digital Humanities. He is author of Hegel und Foucault. Die Geschichtlichkeit des Wissens als Entwicklung und Transformation (2015).
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Thomas Khurana

Uni Potsdam

is Professor of Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Mind at Universität Potsdam. He works on various issues in Kant, Hegel, and Post-Kantian European Philosophy. He is the author of Das Leben der Freiheit: Form und Wirklichkeit der Autonomie (2017).
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Veronika Klauser

FU Berlin

received her doctorate from the faculty of philosophy at the Humboldt University of Berlin in 2021. The topic of her dissertation was “Zur Rekonstruktion des Verstandesbegriffs in der Philosophie Hegels“ (advisors: Prof. Dr. Andreas Arndt and Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt). She currently works as a lecturer and study advisor at the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management in Berlin. Furthermore, she teaches philosophy at the Free University of Berlin. Her research focuses on classical German philosophy (especially Kant, Hegel, Fichte) and philosophy of religion.

Karen Koch

FU Berlin

is currently a Fritz-Thyssen fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin working on a project on the relation between mechanism and inner purposiveness in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature. Her research focus is on Kant and German Idealism. She has also interests in contemporary philosophy of biology and feministic issues. Her thesis “Denken in Zwecken. Bedeutung und Status der Teleologie in der theoretischen Philosophie Kants und Hegels“ will be published next year in the Hegel-Studien Beihefte.
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Thomas Meyer

HU Berlin

is Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (junior lecturer) at  Humboldt-Universität. He works on Hegel’s practical philosophy and on parts of his theoretical philosophy, as well as on contemporary metaethics, legal philosophy and action theory. He is author of Verantwortung und Verursachung. Eine moral- und rechtsphilosophische Studie zu Hegel (2020).
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Nicolas Garcia Mills

FU Berlin

is currently an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow in the Institut für Philosophie at the Freie Universität Berlin. His research focuses mostly on the practical philosophies of Hegel and Kant and their contemporary relevance. Before coming to Berlin, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Chicago. He has also taught in the Department of Philosophy at Tufts University and in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). He received his PhD in 2019 from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).

Esther Neuhann

FU Berlin

is wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (postdoctoral) at Freie Universität Berlin. She works on political, legal and social philosophy/critical theory, Fichte’s practical philosophy, as well as feminist philosophy. Before coming to Berlin, she completed a project on “Fichte and Human Rights” at Universität Hamburg, see https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/451551446?language=en.
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Thomas Raysmith

Touro College Berlin

is a lecturer in philosophy at Touro University Berlin. He works on Kant’s theoretical philosophy, German Idealism and Romanticism, as well as contemporary philosophy of language and philosophical logic.
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Tobias Rosefeldt

HU Berlin

is Professor of Classical German Philosophy at  Humboldt-Universität. He works on Kant’s theoretical and practical philosophy and its reception in Post-Kantian Philosophy, and also on contemporary metaphysics and philosophy of language. He is author of Das logische Ich. Kant über den Gehalt des Begriffes von sich selbst (2000).
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Luz Christopher Seiberth

Uni Potsdam

is Junior Fellow at Universität Bern and postdoc at Unversität Potsdam . He works on Kant’s and Hegel’s theoretical philosophy and its reception in Post-Kantian Philosophy, especially in the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars. His areas of research include contemporary pragmatism, methodology, metaphysics and epistemology. He is author of Intentionality in Sellars. A transcendental account of finite knowledge (Routledge 2021), and co-editor of Fraught with Ought: Writings from Wilfrid Sellars on Mind, Meaning, and Metaphysics (OUP, forthc.) and Reading Kant with Sellars: Reconceiving Kantian Themes (Routledge, forthc.) As founder and organiser he runs the monthly International Sellars Colloquium (https://www.wilfridsellars.org/isc) and the Hegel Kreis Berlin (https://sites.google.com/view/hegel-kreis-berlin).
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Elena Tripaldi

FU Berlin

is Thyssen Post-Doc Fellow at Freie Universität Berlin. Her research is currently focused on Hegel’s metaphysics and its interactions with contemporary analytic metaphysics (especially contemporary monism), object-oriented ontology, and speculative realism. Her doctoral dissertation, entitled “‘The Truth of Substance’: Hegel’s critique of metaphysics and his ontology of subjectivity” focused on the relationship between logic and metaphysics in Hegel.
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Larissa Wallner


is a berlin-based Postdoc. Her work is concerned with Kantian theoretical philosophy and aesthetics, especially with the conditions that make the invention and articulation of new intellectual positions including aesthetic forms possible. She cooperates with Prof. Dina Emundts, is a regular participant of the Hegel Circle and teaches at the LMU Munich. She is author of Dimensionen der Zeit. Kants und Husserls Zeitphilosophie, Passagen 2018.
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Tobias Wieland

FU Berlin

is Postdoc and an interdisciplinary research coordinator at Freie Universität. He works on Hegel’s philosophy (focused, but not limited to, aesthetics, religion, and philosophical method), on Critical Theory and contemporary feminism. Tobias is author of Die Pluralität des Absoluten. Hegels Theorie sozialen Wandels (2022).
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If you are doing a PhD at an institution at either Berlin or Potsdam, and want to be listed here, please send a short description analogous to those to hu@cgp-berlin.de.

Friederike Allner

FU Berlin

works on a PhD project with the title ‘Critique of Abstraction — Ways of Concretion. Elements of Concrete Normativity with Hegel, Gadamer and Derrida”. Advisors: Georg Bertram (philosophy), Bertram Lomfeld (law studies). She is also interested in Early Modern Philosophy, especially Leibniz and Spinoza.
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Lucas Amoriello

FU Berlin

is currently working on a PhD project about the relation, tension, and entanglement between art and society according to Hegel’s Aesthetics. This project is titled “Die Welt der Kunst. Hegels sozialer Kunstbegriff” (advisor: Georg W. Bertram). His study and research interests further encompass Critical Theory, especially Adorno and Benjamin.

Anne Becker

HU Berlin

works on a PhD project with the title ‘Die Logik der Grenze und die Grenze der Logik, Zur Aktualität von Hegels Metaphysik- und Gesellschaftskritik‘ (advisor: Andreas Arndt, co-advisor: Tobias Rosefeldt), which deals with the science of logic and its relation to reality. She teaches an online seminar on the science of logic at Augustana University in Neuendettelsau and is also involved in the DAAD ProBral project “Thinking the Infinite”. She is also interested in Leibniz, Kant and Fichte, political philosophy, philosophy of religion and the relation of Classical German Philosophy to Critical Theory, especially Walter Benjamin.

Rodrigo Maruy van den Broek

HU Berlin

works on a PhD with the title “Recht und sozialer Wandel: Zur immanenten Kritik eines modernen Widerspruchs” (advisors: Rahel Jaeggi, Christoph Möllers). He is also interested in the reception of Hegel’s Logic and Philosophy of Right in the Frankfurt School tradition of Critical Theory.
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Panagiotis-Alexandros Duskos

Uni Potsdam

works on a PhD project on the power of imagination in Fichte’s theoretical philosophy at University of Potsdam, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy (advisor: Prof. Dr. Johannes Haag). His interests are in the field of Kant and Post-Kantian Philosophy, especially Fichte and Hegel, Intentionality, and Philosophy of Mind. 
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Anqi Fu

HU Berlin

works on a PhD project on the theme ‘Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics’ (advisor: Tobias Rosefeldt). She is also interested in various questions about Kantian intuition and cognition.

León Antonio Heim

Uni Potsdam

works on a PhD project with the title “Selbstbestimmte Abhängigkeit – Die Freiheit der Liebe und Sorge in Hegels Begriff der Familie“ (supervisors: Thomas Khurana, Dirk Quadflieg). In it, he attempts to bring into conversation the current discussion on Hegel’s concept of life with contemporary feminist accounts of care and reproduction. He is generally interested in Hegelian and Marxist accounts of anthropology and nature.
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Christoph Honold


works on a PhD project with the title  »The living measure. On the immanent normativity of labor according to  Hegel and Marx« (advisors: Dirk Quadflieg (Leipzig), Thomas Khurana (Potsdam)). The aim of the project is to clarify the normative foundations of critical theory on the basis of an analysis of the human form of life. Christoph Honold’s research focuses on German idealism and critical theory.

Emanuel Kapfinger

FU Berlin

works on a PhD project which connects Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and contemporary culture critique (supervisor: Frieder Otto Wolf). He also works on theory of fascism, 1968, materialist dialectics, Critical Theory, and Marxism.
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Patrycja Pendrakowska

HU Berlin

works on a PhD project with the working title „The Chinese speaking appropriation of Hegel. The case studies of He Lin’s introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit and the Lesser Logic”.

Elena Romano

FU Berlin

is research assistant and Phd candidate at the Freie Universität in the Arbeitsbereich of Prof. Dr. Dina Emundts. She is currently working on a project on Kant’s account of aesthetic normativity.
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Marharyta Rouba

HU Berlin

works on a PhD project with the title ‘The concept of the ‘transcendental subject’ in Kant’s philosophy: a systematic and historical investigation’ (advisor: Tobias Rosefeldt). Her interests are also in the field of the early reception of the Critique of Pure Reason and contemporary metaphysics.
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Marco Santi

HU Berlin

works on a PhD project with the title ‘Objective and subjective validity in Kant’s doctrine of assent’ (advisor: Tobias Rosefeldt), wherein he proposes a new analysis of (in)sufficient reasons for assent (Fürwahrhalten) that form the basis of Kant’s system of epistemic attitudes.He is also interested in the manuscripts of Kant’s lectures on logic and metaphysics.Furthermore, he is one of the editors of Leibniz’s scientific writings (Leibniz-Edition, Reihe VIII) at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences.

Isabel Sickenberger

Uni Potsdam

is a research associate at the Chair of Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Mind at the University of Potsdam. Her main research interests are in the field of post-Kantian philosophy, especially German Idealism and Hegel, philosophy of mind, social philosophy, and Critical Theory. In her dissertation (advisor: Thomas Khurana) she is working on the question of the form of spiritual life.
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Myriam Stihl

HU Berlin

is a doctoral researcher at the ,Human Abilities. Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities’ and PhD-Candidate at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (supervisor: Tobias Rosefeldt). Myriam works on the intersection of Kant’s views on time, mereology, and cognitive capacities.

Long Teng

HU Berlin

is working on a PhD Project with the title “The Relation between Private Welfare and State Welfare in Hegel’s Theory of the State” (advisor: Tobias Rosefeldt). He is also interested in Metaethics and Kant’s practical philosophy.

Lilja Walliser

HU Berlin

works on a PhD project on linguistic alienation and the capacity for conflict in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit (advisor: Georg W. Betram). She is also interested in philosophy of language, theories of recognition, philosophy of deconstruction, and critical theory.
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If you are planning an academic visit in the Berlin metropolitan area – even on a short term basis – and if you want to let people know about it, so that they can invite you to talks, philosophical discussions, or drinks, please mail to hu@cgp-berlin.de.

Angela Breitenbach

HU Berlin

is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. She works on Kant and modern philosophy and on themes in  philosophy of science, aesthetics and environmental philosophy. In 2023 she is as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Time of visit: 01/2023-03/2024
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Sabina Vaccarino Bremner

Uni Potsdam

is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania. She works on Kant’s ethics, philosophy of science, and aesthetics, as well as figures in the post-Kantian tradition, including Marx, Beauvoir, and Foucault, and connections to contemporary issues including ideology critique, the relativized a priori in science, conceptual revision, and autonomy and self-constitution. Sabina is visiting Potsdam for the academic year 2023-2024 as a fellow of the Humboldt foundation, sponsored by Professor Thomas Khurana. Time of Visit: 05/2023-11/2024
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Josep Clusa

HU Berlin

did his PhD at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, on Aristotle’s ethics. He is currently working on Kant’s concept of substance and collaborating in a Spanish-speaking commentary of the Analytic of Principles. Time of Visit: 04/2023 – 07/2023

Anton Fomin

FU Berlin

Time of visit: Summer 2023

Gerad Gentry

HU Berlin

is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at Humboldt-Universität. He works on the theoretical, ethical, and aesthetic forms of the concept of innere Zweckmäßigkeit in the philosophy of Hegel and Kant. He also works on the inheritance of these forms in contemporary philosophy. He is the author of “Hegel’s End of Art and Artworks as Internally Purposive Wholes” Journal of the History of Philosophy (July 2023). Time of visit: 09/2022-08/2023
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Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj

FU Berlin

is Assistant Professor at UITM in Rzeszów, Poland/NAWA Bekker Research Fellow. Project: “The Dimensions of Post-Heideggerism. In the centenary of Being and Time”. Time of Visit: Winter 2022/23

Lucian Ionel


is a research fellow at the Leipzig University since 2023. He was a fellow at the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities “Human Abilities” in Berlin (2021-2022), a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Pittsburgh as a DFG fellow (2019-2021), and a member in the DFG Excellence Cluster “BrainLinks-BrainTools” (2017-2018). He received his doctorate from the University of Freiburg, in cotutelle with the University of Strasbourg (November 2017). His research interests include the philosophy of mind, anthropology, action theory, phenomenology and ontology. Kant and Hegel are central to his philosophical concerns.
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James Kreines


is professor of philosophy at Claremont McKenna college, and works on German Idealism. In 2014, he was a visitor at the Lehrstuhl für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie at the Humboldt University, Berlin. Since then, most summers he is based in Berlin for at least some parts of May, June and/or July, while attending conferences and colloquia.

Giovanna Luciano

HU Berlin

is Assistant Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Padova. Her research interests focus on Classical German Philosophy (especially Kant and Hegel), critical theory and critical pedagogy. She has been working on Hegel’s logic, the concept of critique in Kant’s and Hegel’s philosophy, and issues of humanism, emancipation, social criticism and education between Classical German Philosophy and contemporary critical theory. She is currently working on the idea of a “critical education” in Hegel’s philosophy. She is co-coordinator of the research group on Classical German Philosophy at the University of Padova (hegelpd.it) and co-founder of the Australian Hegel Society (australianhegelsociety.com). Time of visit: July 2023
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Karl von der Luft


is a PhD Student in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. His interests include German Idealism (especially Hegel), Practical Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Philosophical Criticism. Time of Visit: 05/23-09/23.

Karen Ng

Uni Potsdam

is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. She works on 19th and 20th century European philosophy, focusing on Hegel and German idealism, as well as Marx and critical theory. She also has interests in Kant and social and political philosophy. She is the author of Hegel’s Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic (OUP 2020), which won the 2021 Journal of the History of Philosophy Book Prize. Between 2023 and 2025 she will be an Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy, University of Potsdam. Time of Visit: 02/2023-08/2023; 06/2024-08/2024, 06/2025-08/2025
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Andrew Norris

Uni Potsdam

Time of Visit: 10/2023-09/2024

Armin Schneider


did his BA and MA at Humboldt University Berlin. Currently he is doing a PhD at Brown University. His research interests include the works of Hegel, especially the Science of Logic, and debates within contemporary continental philosophy as it intersects with psychoanalysis, science and politics. Time of visit: 05/2023-08/2023

Mario Schärli

HU Berlin

is a visiting postdoctoral researcher at Humboldt University Berlin and holds a PhD from the University of Fribourg. Currently, he is developing an interpretation of Kant’s metaphysics of existence and modality as reliant on an ontology of non-existent objects. His research is financed by a Postdoc.Mobility Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation, which took him to Princeton University last year. He has further research interests in Early Modern Rationalism and German Idealism. Time of Visit: 09/2024 – 07/2025
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Nicholas Stang

HU Berlin

is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Canada Research Chair at the University of Toronto. He works on metaphysics and epistemology at the intersection of classical German philosophy (esp. Kant and Hegel) and analytic philosophy. He is currently writing a book titled How is Metaphysics Possible? A Critique of Analytic Reason, which applies Kant’s critique of reason to contemporary analytic metaphysics. He is also working on the Acosmism problem in Spinoza and German idealism, as well as on Kant’s metaphysical deduction of the categories. Time of visit: 09/2023-08/2024

Pedro Stepanenko

HU Berlin

Time of visit: 11/2022-06/2023

Bas Tönissen

is a PhD student at UC San Diego, and a DAAD doctoral fellow at the Humboldt Universität Berlin for the year 2023-2024. He is writing a dissertation on Kant’s theory of action and radical evil. He has further interests in early modern philosophy generally, moral psychology, and inclusive pedagogy. Time of Visit: 10/2023-09/2024

If you plan an event on classical German philosophy in the Berlin metropolitan area and want to be listed here, please send information analogous to below to hu@cgp-berlin.de.


Am Neuen Palais 10,
Universität Potsdam

Jun 20—Jun 21

The Wickedness of Freedom – Immorality and Reason after Kant

Speakers: Thomas Khurana, Andy Reath, Katharina Kraus, Anastasia Berg, Wolfram Gobsch, Francey Russell, Brady Bowman, Dean Moyar, Peter Dews, Michelle Kosch

Organizer: Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy (Uni Potsdam)

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Unter den Linden 6,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Jul 04

Workshop zu Daniel Sutherland’s Buch ‚Kant’s Mathematical World‘

Speakers: Daniel Sutherland, Christian Pfeiffer, Tobias Rosefeldt and more

Organizers: Chair for Classical German Philosophy (Prof. Rosefeldt, HU Berlin), Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy

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Unter den Linden 6,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Aug 25—Aug 27

Hegels Zukunft. Eine Tagung zu seinem 252. Geburtstag

Speakers: Andreja Novakovic, Claudia Wirsing, Thomas Meyer, Thimo Heisenberg, Luca Corti, Daniel James, Franz Knappik, Thomas Khurana, Karen Ng, Nadine Mooren, Johannes-Georg Schülein, Clinton Tolley, Lydia Moland

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Dina Emundts (FU Berlin), Dr. Thomas Meyer (HU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt (HU Berlin)

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Unter den Linden 6,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Aug 30

Hegel, slavery and abolition

Speakers: Daniel James, Franz Knappig, Robert Bernasconi, David James, Lydia Moland, Nathaniel Adam Tobias, Josias Tembo

Organizers: Dr. Daniel James (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf), Prof. Dr. Franz Knappik (University of Bergen), with support of Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt (HU Berlin)

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Unter den Linden 6,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Nov 10—Nov 11

Analytic German Idealism

Speakers: Dave Suarez, Tihomir Arnaudov, Risha Kuthoore, Nicholas Stang, Sean Dudley, Sebastian Bender, Ethan Milar-Virkutis, Myiram Stihl, Tobias Rosefeldt

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Nicholas Stang (University of Toronto), Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

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FU Berlin, Seminarzentrum

Nov 24—Nov 25

Systematizität und Zweckmäßigkeit der Natur in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft

Speaker: Angela Breitenbach (Cambridge University), Dina Emundts (FU), Karen Koch (FU), Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh), Lorenzo Spagnesi (Universität Trier), Jakub Techert (FU, Goethe Universität Frankfurt/M.)

Organizer: Jakub Techert

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FU Berlin, Altensteinstraße 15, Raum 003B

Feb 07

How to be an intersectional feminist and a Kantian?

Speaker: Omri Boehm

Organizers: Dina Emundts and Larissa Wallner

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FU Berlin, Institut für Philosophie, Vortragsraum, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin

Mar 27—Mar 28

Das “Absolute” bei Hegel

Speakers: Dina Emundts, Thomas Hanke, Gunnar Hindrichs, Karen Koch, Nadine Mooren, Ermylos Plevrakis, Tobias Wieland

Organizers: Thomas Hanke & Karen Koch


Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais, House 8, Room 0.58

Apr 20—Apr 21

Naturalism and Human Life

Speakers: With Carla Bagnoli, Akeel Bilgrami, Mario De Caro, Guiseppina D’Oro, Sebastian Gardner, Paul Giladi, Johannes Haag, Thomas Khurana, Talia Morag, Thomas Raleigh, Thomas J. Spiegel, Andrea Staiti

Organizers: Thomas Jussuf Spiegel, Paul Giladi, Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy in collaboration with Naturalism, Modernity and Civilization International Research Network (NMCIRN)

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Open Colloquium

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Room 2093

May 04 6:30 pm

Neuhann: Fichte on Human Rights

Speaker: Esther Neuhann

Organizer: Tobias Rosefeldt

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Freie Universität Berlin

May 12—May 13

Hegel on Kinship and Reproduction

Speakers: Dina Emundts, León Heim, Susanne Lettow, Marina Martínez Mateo, Karen Ng, Andreja Novakovich & Mariana Teixeira

Organizers: Karen Koch & Ana Miranda

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Open Colloquium

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Room 2093

May 25 6:30 pm

Wieland: Widerspruch und dialethische Lesart von Hegels Logik

Speaker: Tobias Wieland

Organizer: Tobias Rosefeldt

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Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam, Haus 8, Room 2.05

Jun 01

Recognition of the Will of the Person

Speaker: Wayne Martin

Organizer: Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy

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Universität Potsdam, Haus 11, Raum 0.09

Jun 15

Zhang Shuangli: Hegelian Marxism or Marxist Hegelianism? Rethinking the Relationship Between Marx and Hegel

Speaker: Zhang Shuangli

Organizer: Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy

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Altensteinstr. 15

Jun 15—Jun 16

Logic and Death in Hegel

Speakers: Ana Miranda Mora, Tobias Wieland, Francesca Raimondi, Karen Koch, Lilja Walliser, Rocío Zambrana

Organizers: Lilja Walliser & Tobias Wieland

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6

Jun 19—Jun 21

10. Berliner Kantkurs – Kant on Reason

Speaker: Karl Schafer

Organizer: Tobias Rosefeldt

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Altensteinstr. 15, 14195 Berlin

Jun 27 10:00 am

Workshop in Post-Kantian German Philosophy

Speakers: Charlotte Baumann (Sussex), Dina Emundts (FU Berlin), Karen Koch (FU Berlin), James Kreines (Claremont McKenna College), Thomas Meyer (HU Berlin) & Pablo Pulgar Moya (Diego Portales Universität)

Organizers: Karen Koch (FU Berlin) & James Kreines (Claremont McKenna)

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Schönhauser Allee 10-11, Raum 4.39

Jul 04

Hegel and/or Marx: Problems of Theory, Critique and Practice

Speakers: Andreas Arndt, Giovanna Luciano, Thomas Meyer, Pablo Pulgar Moya & Georg Spoo

Organizers: Giovanna Luciano (Uni Padova) & Thomas Meyer (HU Berlin)

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Untergeschoss des Philosophieinstituts (Habelschwerdterallee 30), FU Berlin

Jul 07—Jul 8

Festveranstaltung für Paul Guyer

Speaker: Paul Guyer

Organizers: Dina Emundts & Stefan Gosepath (registration per mail to Dina.emundts@fu-berlin.de)


Freie Universität Berlin, Altensteinstr. 15, Raum 003B

Jul 10—Jul 11

Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition between German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debates

Speakers: Sebastian Rand (Georgia State University), Giulia Bernard (Padua), Valentina Bortolami (Padua/Brock), Luca Corti (Padua), Laura Dequal (Padua), Lucian Ionel (Leipzig), Bojana Jovicevic (Ljubljana), Giovanna Miolli (Padua), Elena Tripaldi (Padua), Ana Vieyra Ramirez (Emory), and Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod (Paris/Namur)

Organizers: Karen Koch, Elena Tripaldi, Dina Emundts, and Luca Illetterati

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Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais, Foyer

Jul 20

The Culmination: Heidegger, German Idealism, And The Fate of Philosophy

Speakers: Anton Ford, Wolfram Gobsch, Andrea Kern, Karen Ng, Joseph Schear, Nick Stang, Ingvild Torsen, Mark Wrathall and others

Organizer: Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy

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Centre Marc Bloch, Room Tillion (7th floor), Friedrichstraße 191, 10117 Berlin

Jul 26

Normativity. Perspectives from Hegelian Philosophy and Critical Theory

Speakers: Mariana Teixeira, Ricardo Crissiuma, Elena Tripaldi, Georg Spoo, Isabel Sickenberger, Ernesto Ruiz-Eldredge Molina & Charlotte Baumann

Organizers: Ernesto Ruiz-Eldredge Molina, Georg Spoo & Ricardo Crissiuma


Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Hauptgebäude

Oct 27—Oct 28

Das Denken des falschen Denkens denken. Negativität bei und mit Kant

Speakers: Sabrina Bauer, Martin Bunte, Dietmar Dath, Gerhard Gamm, Martin Hammer, Christian Iber, Claudio La Rocca, Giuseppe Motta, Jörg Noller, Jannis Pissis, María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Sonja Schierbaum & Thomas Sturm

Organizers: Axel Gelfert & Martin Hammer

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Open Colloquium

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2093

Nov 02 6:30 pm

Open Colloquium: cgp-berlin.de – Beautiful Art and Nature in Kant’s Critique of Judgement

Speaker: Johannes Haag

Organizer: Tobias Rosefeldt


FU Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, im Untergeschoss

Nov 17

Time as The Horizon of Understanding

Speakers: Mihnea Chiujdea, Dina Emundts, Sacha Golob, Hilge Landweer, Dylan Trigg, Mark Wrathall

Organizers: Mihnea Chiujdea & Dina Emundts

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Humboldt University, Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Room 3071/ online

Nov 25

Hegel (anti)kolonial #6: W.E.B. Du Bois and classical German thought

Speakers: Rima Hussein, Michael Saman, Kimberly Ann Harris, Andreas-Johann Sorger, Daniel James & Anthony Obst

Organizers: Daniel James, Franz Knappik & Tobias Rosefeldt

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Open Colloquium

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2093

Feb 08 6:30 pm

Open Colloquium – Kants dritte Frage

Speaker: Jakob Huber (FU Berlin)

Organizer: Tobias Rosefeldt


Institut für Philosophie der Freien Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, Glaskasten im Untergeschoss

Feb 09 4:00 pm

History and Theory of Dialectics – Formal Attempts at the Hegelian Logic, Concepts and Models

Organizers: AG Theorie und Geschichte der Dialektik


University of Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam

Feb 15—Feb 16

Workshop with Nick Stang

Speaker: Nick Stang

Organizer: Johannes Haag

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Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Leibniz-Saal, Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin

Apr 19—Apr 21

300 Jahre Kant. Perspektiven für die Philosophie des 21. Jahrhunderts.

Organizers: BBAW, Jahresthema 2023|24 Projekt: Aufklärung!

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Bolle Festsäle, Alt-Moabit 98, 10559 Berlin

Apr 22 6:00 pm

300 Jahre Kant. Festveranstaltung zum 300. Geburtstag Immanuel Kants. 

Speaker: Olaf Scholz

Organizers: BBAW, Jahresthema 2023|24 Projekt: Aufklärung!

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Unter den Linden 6, Hörsaal 1072

Apr 24 4:00 pm

Institutskolloquium – Kants (Meta-)Ethik

Speaker: Tobias Rosefeldt (HU Berlin)

Organizer: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Philosophie

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Lecture room,
Institute of Philosophy
Freie Universität Berlin

May 13 6:00 pm

MvBZ Lectures in Feminist Theory: Love, in Theory… Sexual Love and the Dynamics of Polarity in Fichte, Schelling, and Günderrode

Speaker: Stefani Engelstein (Duke University/ZfL Berlin)

Organizers: Susanne Lettow, Esther von der Osten

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Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2249a

Jun 04

Hegel on Family

Organizer: Tobias Rosefeldt, Livia von Samson

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Open Colloquium

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Raum 2093

Jun 13 6:30 pm

Open Colloquium — Michael Rosen: The Shadow of God

Speaker: Michael Rosen (Harvard University)

Organizer: Tobias Rosefeldt

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Universität Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10
Potsdam 14469

Jun 15

Hegel / Spinoza Workshop

Speakers: Anton Kabeshkin (Universität Potsdam), James Kreines (Claremont McKenna College) see more

Lecture, Talk

Deutsches Historisches Museum, Foyer im Pei-Bau, Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, 10117 Berlin

Jun 16 10:00 am

Berliner Kant-Marathon

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Unter den Linden 6, Hörsaal 1072

Jun 19 4:00 pm

Institutskolloquium – Warum heute noch Kant lesen? Überlegungen aus Anlass seines 300. Geburtstags

Speaker: Marcus Willaschek (Frankfurt/M.)

Organizer: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Philosophie

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Untergeschoss, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, Freie Universität Berlin

Jun 22 5:00 pm

Kants Fragen zur Philosophie anders gestellt

Organizers: Dina Emundts, Ronja Liebenrodt, Elena Romano

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University of Potsdam, Haus 8, Raum 0.58, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam

Jun 26—Jun 28

Recovering Nature: Forgotten Concepts, New Theories, Classical Approaches

Speakers: Dalia Nassar, Hasok Chang, Georg Topfer, Olaf Müller, Andrew Cooper, Sebastian Rand, Friedrich Steinle, Zaida Olvera, Cécilia Bognon-Küss, Karen Koch, Anton Kabeshkin, Luca Corti.

Organizers: Organizers: Karen Koch (Universität Basel), Anton Kabeshkin, Luca Corti (Università degli Studi di Padova)

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Unter den Linden 6, Raum 1072

Jun 27—Jun 29

11. Berliner Kantkurs. Republican Themes in Kant’s Moral Theory

Speaker: Pauline Kleingeld (Universität Groningen) see more


Jul 05

Workshop über die Phänomenologie des Geistes

Organizers: Dina Emundts and Andreja Novakovic

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Jul 05—Jul 8

Illuminations. Celebrating the Kant Jubilee

Speakers: Aleida Assmann, David Bell, Omri Boehm, Lorraine Daston, Konstanty Gebert, Tyler Austin Harper, Stephen Holmes, Daniel Kehlmann, Philip Kitcher, Ivan Krastev, Claire Messud, Fintan O’Toole, Diana Pinto, Lutz Raphael, Cheryce von Xylander, Kaveh Yazdani, Lea Ypi, Benjamin Zachariah

Organizer: Einstein Forum

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Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam

Jul 05—Jul 6

Absoluter Idealismus der Rezeption

Speakers: Eli Friedlander, Thomas Khurana, Christoph Menke, Dalia Nassar, Birgit Sandkaulen, Sebastian Rödl, David Wellbery, Alexey Weissmüller, and others

Organizer: Center for Post-Kantian Philosophy

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
Raum 2249a

Jul 08—Jul 9

How is metaphysics possible?

Speaker: Nick Stang (UoT)

Organizers: Myriam Stihl und Tobias Rosefeldt

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Jul 12—Jul 13

Hegel’s Encycolpedia of the Philosophy of Spirit

Speakers: Andreja Novakovic, Fred Neuhouser, Allegra de Laurentis, Sally Sedgwick, Thomas Khurana and Connie Wang

Organizers: Dina Emundts and Nicolas Mills

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Raum 1.406
Dorotheenstraße 24, 10117 Berlin

Jul 22—Jul 26

Meisterkurs: The Shadow of God

Speaker: Michael Rosen

Organizers: Michael Rosen, Tobias Rosefeldt, Jan-Paul Sandmann

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Orangerie im Neuen Garten, 14469 Potsdam

Aug 23—Sep 25

Die Macht der Aufklärung

Organizers: Einstein Forum, Saskia Boddeke, Peter Greenaway

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Aug 29—Aug 31

Enlightenment in the World

Speakers: Aziz Al-Azmeh (Vienna), El Hadji Ibrahima Diop (Dakar), Sankar Muthu (Chicago), Mithu Sanyal (Düsseldorf), Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò (Ithaca), Raef Zreik (Jerusalem)

Organizers: Einstein Forum, Potsdam and Humboldt Forum, Berlin

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Sep 04—Sep 6

Immanuel Kant : Philosopher-Scientist – Kant und die Naturwissenschaften seiner Zeit

Organizer: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte Berlin

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Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam

Oct 08—Oct 9

Regulative Principles in Kant and Post-Kantian Thought

Organizers: Noam Hoffer, Moran Godess-Riccitelli, Johannes Haag, Thomas Khurana

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Deutsches Historisches Museum
Unter den Linden 2
10117 Berlin

Oct 18—Apr 6

Was ist Aufklärung? Fragen an das 18. Jahrhundert

Organizer: Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin

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Academy building at Gendarmenmarkt, Einstein Hall, Jägerstr. 22/23, 10117 Berlin

Oct 25 9:00 am

Kant and Universalism from a Global Perspective

Speakers: Nikita Dhawan, Rainer Forst, Herlinde Pauer-Studer, Omri Boehm, Macarena Marey, Lucy Allais

Organizer: Simon Rebohm, BBAW

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HU-Hauptgebäude, Unter den Linden 6, Room 2249a (Tue)/ 1066e (Wed)

Oct 29—Oct 30

Constitutivism in Classical German Philosophy and Today

Speakers: Nick Stang, Sergio Tenenbaum, Tobias Rosefeldt, Thomas Meyer, Livia von Samson

Organizers: Humboldt University & University of Toronto

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Am Neuen Palais Haus 8, Raum 0.60

Nov 04—Nov 5

German Idealism and Polish Thought: Jewish and Christian Perspectives

Speakers: Christoph Asmuth, Daniel Krochmalnik, Maciej Junkiert, Andrzej Pryba, Mateusz Strózynski, Monika Katarzyna Walus, Przemysaw Zgorecki, Joël Ben-Yehushua, Deborah Epstein, Katarzyna Filutowska, Amit Kravitz, Matthew Nini, Yady Oren

Organizer: University of Potsdam, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan


Universität Potsdam, School of Jewish Theology

Dec 16—Dec 18

Der Kantianismus in seinem Verhältnis zum Judentum

Speakers: Prof. Eveline Goodman-Thau, Prof. George Kohler, Prof. Birgit Recki, Dr. Elisabeth Widmer, Dr. Timothy Franz, Dr. Caterina Marinelli

Organizers: Dr. Yehuda Oren (Universität Potsdam), Jonathan Schmidt-Dominé (GoetheUniversität Frankfurt a.M.)

Apr 15/24—Jul 20/24

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt


Thu 6:30—8:45pm

Philosophisches Kolloquium/Philosophical Colloquium

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt


Thu 8—10am

Kants (Meta-)Ethik/Kant’s (Meta-)Ethics

Dr. Thomas Meyer


Thu 12am—2pm

Hegels Differenzschrift – Deutscher Idealismus um 1800

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt


Fri 2—4pm

Kants politische Philosophie/Kant’s Political Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt


Fri 10—12am

Einführung in Kants Philosophie/Introduction to Kant’s Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Friedrich Wolf


Mon 4—6pm

Hegels philosophisch-politische Jugendschriften

Lilja Walliser


Tue 2—4pm

Das Geist-Kapitel in Hegels “Phänomenologie des Geistes”

Prof. Dr. Dina Emundts


Mon 2—4pm

Philosophie des Rechts bei Immanuel Kant und Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Dr. Stefanie Grüne


Mon 10—12am

Kants transzendentaler Idealismus

Elena Romano


Thu 10—12am

Kant and Arendt on Sensus Communis

Prof. Dr. Bernd Ladwig


Tue 10—12am

Hegel Seminar

Prof. Dr. Dina Emundts


Tue 9—12am

Kolloquium für Geschichte der Philosophie

Alexey Weißmüller


Tue 4—6pm

Der Begriff der Spontaneität: von Kant zur kritischen Theorie

Prof. Dr. Johannes Haag


Tue 2—4pm

Von Kant zu Hegel – Einführung in die Klassische Deutsche Philosophie

Isabel Sickenberger


Wed 2—4pm

Das Kritische an der Aufklärung

David Haunschmid


Tue 2—4pm

Herr und Knecht

Dr. Anton Kabeshkin


Mon 2—4pm

Hegels Logik des Seins

Prof. Dr. Johannes Haag


Thu 10am—2pm

Forschungskolloquium Theoretische Philosophie

Prof. Dr. Thomas Khurana


Thu 4—8pm

Forschungskolloquium Philosophische Anthropologie und Philosophie des Geistes

Oct 14/24—Feb 28/25

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt


Thu 8 — 10am

Fichte und Hegel über Selbstbewusstsein und Anerkennung/ Fichte and Hegel on Self-Consciousness and Recognition

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt


Fri 2 — 4pm

Kants Kritik der ästhetischen Urteilskraft/Kant’s Critique of the Power of Aesthetic Judgement



Mon 10 — 12am

Kant: Kritik der praktischen Vernunft / Kant: Kritik der praktischen Vernunft

Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt


Thu 6:30 — 8:45pm

Philosophisches Colloquium / Philosophical Colloquium

Prof. Dr. Dina Emundts


Wed 12 — 2pm

Hegels Ästhetik

Dr. Stefanie Grüne


Tue 6 — 8pm

Kant über Erkenntnis und Wissen



Tue 4 — 6pm

Kant: Tugendlehre

Prof. Dr. Friedrich Wolf


Mon 4 — 6pm

Hegel: Frühe Jenaer Schriften

Prof. Dr. Thomas Khurana


Thu 4—8pm

Forschungskolloquium Philosophische Anthropologie und Philosophie des Geistes

Prof. Dr. Johannes Haag


Tue 12—2pm

Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre 1804

Prof. Dr. Johannes Haag


Tue 2—4pm

Kant über Teleologie

Prof. Dr. Thomas Khurana, Prof. Dr. Iwan-Michelangelo D'Aprile


Thu 12—2pm

Die andere Aufklärung: Subalterne, subversive und postkoloniale Kant-Lektüren

Pablo Adrian Genazzano Mompo


Wed 4—6pm

Das Gefühl des Erhabenen in der klassischen deutschen Ästhetik

Prof. Dr. Thomas Khurana


Thu 10am—12

Kants Philosophie des Geistes

CGP.Berlin mailing list

The CGP.Berlin mailing list is a medium for distributing information about events, CFPs, activities, open positions etc., related to classical German philosophy in the Berlin metropolitan area.

If you want to join the mailing, please sign up here:

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Hegel Circle

The Hegel Circle originally brought together Kant and German Idealism researchers from the Berlin area and is largely based on the initiative of Luz Christopher Seiberth. It is now composed of a growing group of international philosophical researchers, all working on classical German philosophy and positions that relate to it in the 20th century. The Hegel Circle meets monthly online to discuss current papers by its participants. 

Regular participants include: Luca Corti, Yael Gazit, Tal Giladi, Anton Kabeshkin, Karen Koch, Lucian Lionel, Gustav Melichar, Robert Pfeiffer, Mahdi Renae, Simon Schüz, Luz Christopher Seiberth, Georg Spoo, Jakub Techert, Lilja Walliser, Larissa Wallner, and Achim Wamsler. An overview of its sessions can be found here: 


Hegel (anti)kolonial

Hegel (anti)kolonial is an event series on Hegel and colonialism, racism, and anticolonial thought organized by Daniel James (TU Dresden) and Franz Knappik (University of Bergen), with the support of Dina Emundts (FU Berlin) and Tobias Rosefeldt (HU Berlin). Its goal is to offer a platform for ongoing debates about the ambivalent colonial heritage in Hegel’s philosophy.


International Cooperations

Classical German Philosophy in Ljubljana: https://speculativethought.com/

Classical German Philosophy in Padua: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/